Alex Kyron

I'm Alexander Kyron

I'm a FOSS enthusiast and computer science student.
I like to write code & make YouTube videos on all sorts of topics.

I work professionally as a game programmer, and do all sorts of development on the side as a hobbyist. I ran a small games collective/"studio" at Winnitude! Software, and a startup at Get Talent!, although I'm stepping back from both of those so I can pursue hobby projects now that I have full time work in the games industry.

I'm a programmer

I write a lot of code. My general languages of choice are C++, C#, PHP and Java, although I've been branching out to more languages like NodeJS and Python.
You can find a select few of my projects on the projects page, get the source at my Github page, or see my tutorials on YouTube.

I've also gone through a couple game jams, through which I have produced R3WiND, Demise and Viral Insurgent

I make videos

My videos generally concern Linux and programming topics (including tutorials). You can find them on my YouTube channel.

There's also some political content on there, especially regarding politics as it relates to software and the internet, such as encryption and privacy.