Alex Kyron

## [Spring Boot, phone posting](/blog/spring-boot,-phone-posting.php) ## Phone posting? This is my first test of posting to this blog using my smartphone! It's not really anything special, just a custom client that effectively copies the blog post file to the server and then hits the publish command via ssh. Still, it is pretty fun to play around with and now I can blog on the go securely. no reliance on a fancy dynamic web server implementation! Just a custom client for what already works on the server. it's getting closer and closer to being a full CMS. if the app works well enough that I can safely say it is worth releasing, I'll publish it to my github as an open source project to go along with the script. ## Spring Boot Shenanigans With that out of the way, I want to talk about my new project. Details are still under wraps, so no specific, but I've been writing the backend REST API in Java with Spring Boot and it has been a BREEZE. NEVER has it been this easy to write an API! It's as close to plug and play as it seems to get. I set up my configuration classes, build some regular Java classes with some annotations for it to automatically build a database, and set up my API endpoints. That's it! It does the heavy lifting. Definitely my new favourite framework for this stuff. Sorry, Ruby on Rails, Spring Boot is my new friend. At least until I do another project it isn't as well suited for. The auto wiring is fantastic too and I do love Java syntax. It feels like home, familiar programming as if at am building any other desktop or console app, but with some basic annotations and minimal class setup to get it rolling on the web. I was able to set up secure authentication with JWT tokens, a few CRUD controllers, the foundation of a RESTful API featuring authentication, registration, profile updates, posting, image uploads, and more, and get it all running with a database very quickly, **while** learning the framework from scratch. Needless to say, Spring Boot is amazing!