Alex Kyron

## [Watching the election...](/blog/watching-the-election....php) Oh man, watching the US election is mindblowing. I'm working on a video for my YT channel to kick it off while vaguely listening to [Vaush]('s coverage, and occasionally checking the map on Google. One look at my [Twitter]( makes it absolutely no secret that I'm a lefty - maybe not as extreme as others, but I generally align myself with the left. I'm making that clear right now before proceeding because I obviously have my own biases which will naturally contaminate my commentary on the issue. First, election night - November 3rd was *stressful*. It looked like Trump had it for a while, but it was always too early to call. Still, for some reason, I had faith in the statistical models which largely predicted a Biden landslide. Of course, we now know that those were inaccurate - my assumption is that it's due to the data put into the models, given that the most volatile step of the process is trusting the people polled to be honest and trusting the samples to be taken very well. When it became clear Biden would win, I was happy, although I'm pro Biden begrudgingly because he's far better than Trump, but I would have preferred Bernie, Yang, Warren... the list goes on. Regardless, he's the better option and his plans are to bring general improvement to the USA. Seeing Georgia progress towards flipping (only 665 votes apart as I write this, moving to go blue right as it closes) solidifies the win. It's sad to see how close it was, and it's sad to see how policy meant nothing, how it was all about cults of personality and "not the other guy" for both sides. I'm happy to see Biden looking pretty close to guaranteed to take the win. I'm happy to see that the election was kept honest and democracy intact. I'm working on a new app that I'll be talking about here once I've got enough done to show it off. It's pretty cool, but I don't know how much faith I have in it making much money or getting too popular - it makes a good portfolio piece, though.